Solders First Aid Kit
Nylon cover with slide lock keepers for belt attachment CONTENTS: 1 field dressing, 1 cotton purified compress, 1 bandage gauze 2" x 6 yds., 1 sterile pad 4" x 4", 1 eye pad, 5 bandage strips, 1 pill bottle, 2 aspirin, 2 pain reliever, 1 first aid cream, 1 triple antibiotic, 1 tape .5", 3 alcohol wipes, 3 iodine wipes, 3 antiseptic wipes, 3 clean wipes, 2 ammonia inhalants, 2 antiseptic swabs, 1 petroleum gauze, first aid instruction sheet
- 4" x 5" x 3"
Cover and Case only (USED)- $5.00